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August 14, 2005


Mark Bahner

"I think you are wrong to count on term limits, they decrease the accountability that politicians have to their constituents."

I am trying to limit the accumulation of power that comes with lack of term limits.

Ask yourself, "Is the 2-term limit for Presidents a good thing?"

I think the answer is, "Definitely!"

As for "accountability," I would allow up to 6 two-year terms for representatives (i.e., 12 years). That's 5 re-elections. They'd have to be fairly "accountable" to get re-elected 5 times.

I also had in mind 12 years for senators...so that's one re-election.

And you neglect the fact that I'd have term limits for Supreme Court judges (18 years). Do you oppose term limits for Supreme Court judges?


I think you are wrong to count on term limits, they decrease the accountability that politicians have to their constituents. If you are trying to limit "bad apples" from using incumbency from giving them unfair advantage when running for re-election make sure that challengers don't have burdensome obstacles to running for office.

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